What are SEO Keywords? Infographic

SEO keywords infographic

Keywords are the words that people type in to search for information, using a search engine website – such as Google.
If the word is not on the page – Google cannot find it…

There are 3 main types of key-words or key-phrases – also known as search terms:

Specific keywords:

Brainstorm a list including words describing :

  • your, or your organisation or company name (e.g. Barn Owl Trust)
  • highly relevant niche information ( What to do if you find a fallen owlet )
  • specific product descriptions and brand names ( Owl nestboxes )
  • the specific services you offer ( Barn owl Conservation )

These words might not get very much traffic but it’s essential that you show up on Google for these – if a client is looking for your company name, for example.

High demand relevant keywords:

Use a free on-line tool to research the statistics of demand (people searching) versus supply (websites offering the term) to find out which keywords are the best to use.

  • These may be worth structuring a whole page around – Use the SEO plug-in.
  • The best keywords to use are highly relevant and have high demand with low supply.
  • Consider framing your information in a more user friendly way. (e.g. ‘coloring pages‘ gets a lot more traffic than ‘art projects for schools‘ – and in this case, American spelling gets more traffic and is just as relevant).
  • Pay particular attention to keywords that may result in action – such as clicking on your shop.

Long-tail keywords:

Use as many different relevant nouns /adjectives as possible on the page, to score highly for these. A Thesaurus might help.

  • These are long strings of words (5 or more) which describe in detail what the searcher is looking for.
  • These are extremely important because lots of traffic is here – possibly the majority.
  • Because each long keyword phrase may be used by a single individual they can often be completely invisible in your website statistics.
  • What other words might people search for?

Avoid Keyword Stuffing:

Keyword stuffing is the practice of adding lots of words to a page purely to try to increase visitor numbers or Google ranking. Often the words are not relevant or not placed in a natural, readable phrase. Keyword stuffing is seen as spam and may result in a website losing ranking.

  • Do not repeat a keyword at more than 4.5% density (about 4 times in a hundred words).
  • Add only relevant keywords – avoid very long lists of words.
  • After editing, read your page aloud to check that it is readable.
  • Google rules are aimed at spammers who are trying to game the system – it’s not likely to penalise a genuine website.

The question to ask, before adding any keyword is: If I typed this word or phrase in to Google – would I be pleased to arrive at this page?

For very useful ideas for product keywords, see: How to create Product Titles.

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