Zen Pages is a collection of useful step-by-step instructions, resources, tools, fixes, procedures, reminders, cheat sheets and how-to information, posted here for the benefit of our clients and anyone else interested.
Most of our clients are local self-employed individuals, small businesses, companies and charities, sometimes with very little technical know-how and often with not much time. These posts offer the minimum of ‘Why?, but maximum ‘How’ – for people who just want to get it done.
This site focuses on webpage content: in particular, WordPress websites, although the Writing for the Web and Search Engine Optimisation sections may be useful for anyone with a website. For technical troubleshooting and computer issues, please visit CalmIT.org.
Our websites are built using WordPress and our favourite theme was Canvas – but this is being discontinued after 2018, so we’ll mainly be converting our sites to Divi. This is a great theme, very easy to use, fast, intuitive and of course, mobile friendly.
We are Alan & Vanessa Lewis
Alan has been running a successful IT Support business since 2001, providing PC-based IT Support to self-employed people and small businesses in the South Devon area of the UK.
He was a Theravada Buddhist Monk for 17 years, and disrobed in December 2000.
Vanessa was an art teacher – teaching kids who had been excluded from school – until the charity she was working for, had its funding cut. Alan suggested she built a website for her art projects… since then she has been hooked.
We use the name “Zen Pages” because so many people comment on our calm and patient approach. We hope that our easy to understand ‘How to’ sheets, and straightforward covering of the basics, will help you to approach your website with a ‘Zen like’ attitude too!
We learned our trade by building a successful website together: Zen Moments – a labour of love.
- While the information contained within this website endeavours to be up-to-date and factual, no guarantee is given that the information provided in this website is correct, complete, and/or up-to-date.
- The materials contained on this website are provided for general information purposes only and do not constitute professional advice on any subject matter.
Zen Pages does not accept any responsibility for any loss which may arise from reliance on information contained on this site. - This site and its contributors do not take any responsibility, either directly or implied, for any damage or injury, caused directly or indirectly to equipment, its owner or the general public as a result of following the advice given in this site.
- This site and its contributors do not take any responsibility, either directly or implied, for any damage or loss of business, earnings and reputation that might be incurred as a result of following the advice given in this site.
- Please note: All advertising on this site is placed here by Google Adwords. Zen Pages does not recommend or endorse any products or services advertised therein.