Check list for effective social media – does your page tick all the boxes?
For social media to be worth while for any business or organisation, it’s necessary to spend some time making sure your page is set up properly, from the start. A poor page can be worse than no page at all.
Some questions to get you thinking about your pages:
- Does your page look professional? Cared for & up to date? This is your public face – what impression does it give?
- Does it explain & show (with images) at first glance – exactly who you are and what you do?
- Is it clear how I can contact you?
- Is it interesting/ inclusive for people not involved with you/ your organisation or business?
Imagine you are someone who knows nothing at all about you or your type of work.
- Why would I follow you? What are you offering me? How can you frame what you offer so that I can connect with you? Value can be entertainment; information; lovely photos; quizzes; competitions; jokes; quotes etc.
- Consider: Shared values – what do you care about/ find interesting? (Connected with your business/ theme(s) / location.) Can you widen what you offer? What’s the big picture? E.g. RSPB “Nature’s voice”
- Is it working? What does ‘working’ look like? Exactly what response are you hoping for? Have you made it easy? (Direct/hard selling is going to put me off.)
- Are your followers engaging with your content? Are you engaging with your followers? (By replying to & ‘Liking’ comments & questions) Are you offering content I can engage with? (Responses could be: Retweet / share / like / favourite / comment / click )
- Do not use – (or at least clearly explain) – acronyms; jargon; abbreviations.
- How will people find your pages? Do your pages show up in search? For your expertise? For your location? For your organisation’s name + variations? Use keywords; Email signature; website. Try searching for yourself – what’s the competition? How can you differentiate?
The good, the bad, the ugly… Look at other people’s pages – what works – what doesn’t?
Set up your page to look interesting and professional:
- Use sharp, appropriately cropped photos or graphics for your header image and small profile image – which should be immediately recognisable when tiny.
- Use your brand logo if you have one (does this need updating?).
- Optimal header photo sizes: (allow a little extra for cropping)
- Twitter header : 1500 x 500 px ; Profile pic: 500 x 500 px.
- Facebook cover: 851 x 315 px ; Profile pic: 360 x 360 px.
- Use Irfanview to resize / add text to a header / profile image.
- Use Pablo by Buffer to resize / add text to a post photo.
- Add your website URL– if you have one.
- Create a Call to Action button on Facebook.
- Invite your friends / ‘Like’ other relevant pages as your page & as yourself.
- Who you are and what you do – A short concise bio.
- Add important relevant keywords & location so you can be found via search.
- Include a link to your website or other social media (within the bio).
- Who are you following? Are they likely to be interested in your content? Are they following you? Who is following you? Are you following them back? Reciprocity – support others.
- What are you talking about? What is your theme? What might people relate to?
- What value can you offer for free?